“Tamar Fink is changing the face of philanthropy.” -Don Shelby, Washburn Center for Children’s $25 million Capital Campaign Chair & former WCCO TV Anchor
“I’ve been working in philanthropy for nearly 30 years. I know my business. I have never seen this type of creativity.” -Michael Geis, Fundraising Executive at Eddie Thompson & Associates
“Tamar Fink truly understands philanthropy and how to complete, not just propose, gifts.” - Joel Mandel, Executive Director – Sholom Foundation
“I am acutely aware that it was the creativity and experience of your team that brought this incredibly generous gift to light and to a successful conclusion.” - Mort Naiman, Minneapolis Jewish Federation
“When you drive past a construction site where a new wing is being built, it most likely has been funded through a gift created and completed by Tamar Fink.”
-Scott Nelson, Estate Planning Attorney at Hellmuth & Johnson PLLC
“Tamar Fink’s “gift multiplier” concepts have great appeal to our donors who are seeking to make the maximum impact on our college, on our faculty and on our students. Thank you, Tamar Fink!” -Paul Pribbenow, Augsburg College President